Grand Reopening – Coffee Morning – UPDATE

IMPORTANT UPDATE – To improve our safety the coffee morning will now be held outdoors on the patio area of the hotel which can be accessed via the bar.

To celebrate the fact that we can again meet, albeit responsibly, we have planned a special coffee morning. This will be held in the Armagh City Hotel on September 8th from 10 am to 11.30 am.   This will give you the opportunity to meet the new committee, the conveners for the different groups, discuss the range of activities on offer and of course to meet with and chat to your fellow members.

We are also offering you the opportunity to extend an invite to a friend or two who are currently not members of the U3A who may be thinking of joining. In this way we can extol our virtues and demonstrate our congeniality.

To give us some idea of the numbers we can expect,  can you email, Dennis Hay ( and how big your group is likely to be.

Let’s hope as many members and friends can attend so that we can kick off the new season in style and to restart Armagh & District U3A after the dreadful time we have all had to endure.

For more details see our Newsletter.